'Redemption'- The Deep Thinker

Ola amigos! Someone (Well, me only) very well said that Poetry is an Art, of creatively using literary& grammatical elements to describe any idea. Just some time ago, I came across a word known as 'redemption', and I've been thinking about it from a long, long time, then I thought MAUKA BHI HAI, DASTOOR BHI HAI, CHAUKA KYU NA MAAR LIYA JAYE (Yep, I think a lot). Well Well Well, You know the tagline, don't ya:


The unstoppable forces won’t stop.

The immovable rocks won’t move.

I know for a fact that they won’t.

Over positive spurs may claim that but I DON’T.


But one thing which I crave for, is redemption,

For I know, that it IS plausible in today’s world.

Converting a walking dead into a delirious person IS NOT redemption,

But to take care that a plucked flower doesn’t wither away IS, redemption.


World sets its eyes on the thousands of firsts,

But blinks when it comes to the low- ranked redeeemers.


The latter section must receive some of that. too. 
- The Deep Thinker

Hello Mates!! My Blog 'Deep Thought Poems' is a way to expose my poetic works to the world. Hope you like 'em. Any form of constructive Feedback would be appreciated.

Thank You, 



  1. Did a Poetic Revolution occur in 2021, you are writing poems with the speed sound! Keep it up!

  2. The four you were trying to hit turned out to be a six.! Really great effort.!!

  3. Really wonderful !! Keep it up ....


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