'The Fulgent Shadows'


The Fulgent Shadows

While the world sleeps in silence,

While the world snores and snores loudly,

While the world doesn’t dare to open its eyes,

The fulgent shadows come and do the job.


They don’t ask for anything in return,

Just hoping that more shadows will be produced.

They aren’t portentous, or inky, at all.

They possess a dazzling, evergreen undertone, instead.


Highly misunderstood, by this world of chaos,

Not allowing the cat to come out of the bag,

They bore the whole humanity on their shoulders,

They bore the whole humanity on their shoulders


Afraid of the ... the Darkness

The Sun rises, and they, ironically, fade away.


  1. Terrific, what a work done. I am surprised by your sense about the nature. You can make a poem from a small incident of nature. Tremendous!

  2. Beware don't do the act of floccinaucinihilipilification here


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